Societal Impact of SSH and Arts Conference 16-18 Oct in Cape Town

In 2017 AESIS organised the very first international conference on Societal Impact of Social Science, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) in Cardiff, bringing together stakeholders such as research managers, administrators, evaluators, policy makers, funders, entrepreneurs, publishers, NGO’s, media and many more. This became the start of a series of annual conferences where attendees exchanged experiences and good practices in order to catalyse developments in strategies, policies, methods, tools and approaches that are being used to make sure that SSHA, in collaboration with societal stakeholders and other disciplines, can have the most positive and inclusive impact on wellbeing, culture, economy, environment, health, education, [...]

REvaluation Conference 2024 – Navigating Times of Change

FH Campus Wien Favoritenstraße 226, Vienna, Austria

Unter dem Motto "Navigating Times of Change" loten wir in dieser Ausgabe unserer internationalen FTI-Politik-Evaluierungskonferenz den Umgang der Evaluierung vor dem Hintergrund großer Wandelprozesse und neuer Technologien aus. Tragen Sie sich den Konferenztermin gleich in den Kalender ein! 4. bis 6. Dezember 2024. Alle Informationen finden Sie in Kürze auf der Konferenzwebseite