Table of Contents

  1. Realising societal challenges: Towards challenge-led monitoring and evaluation
    Barslaag, Vincent, Geurts, Amber, van der Zee, Frans
    Pages: e1, 1-22
  2. Monitoring as a steering tool for gender equality policy in higher education institutions: ideal and reality
    Wroblewski, Angela
    Pages: e2, 1-20
  3. Enhancing Evaluation Tender Quality: Integrating Gender for Robust Results
    Grasenick, Karin
    Pages: e3, 1-11
  4. The intersection of AI and RTI (policy) evaluation: principles and considerations
    Schürz, Stefanie, D'Elloy, Charlotte, Dinges, Michael
    Pages: e4, 1-35
  5. Working Paper Draft: How does artificial intelligence impact the evaluation system? Discussion points for designing tomorrow's evaluation system.
    Palfinger, Thomas, Gaisbauer, Felix, Wagner, Isabella, Beck, Susanne
  6. Theoretical reflections on the role of social innovation in challenge and goal-oriented R&I agenda
    Schuch, Klaus
    Pages: e7, 1-20
  7. AI Governance in Austria and Australia: Learning from the Antipodeans
    Biegelbauer, Peter
    Pages: e8, 1-17

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