In this episode, the Austrian Mikrodatacenter (AMDC), launched in 2022, is presented. We came across some interesting questions:

Why could the Austrian Microdata Center (AMDC) change the workplace arrangement at research institutions?
What new possibilities are there for linking data and what do you have to bear in mind?
And will the AMDC soon be replaced by an AI?

We invited Sabine Kogler and Harald Titz from the BMBWF as the “data collectors”, Simon Hartmann from Statistics Austria as “the data mediator” and Monika Mühlböck from the IHS as the representative of the application perspective and had a very exciting, detailed conversation.

At the beginning, we clarify what is behind the AMDC and how the development was driven forward. In the second part, we describe in more detail what such data access looks like and what it can do, and we ask about the further development perspectives of the AMDC. As usual, you can navigate along the chapter markers within the podcast episode and thus select the most interesting parts.

All information and contact to the AMDC can be found on the website of Statistik Austria:

Documents presenting the AMDC to the fteval community:

The interview partners (in order of introduction):

Mentioned abbreviations and links for further reading:

This episode was made possible with the kind support of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). It is part of the initiative of the BMBWF for strengthening trust in sciecne and democracy in Austria (#TruSD). Thank you very much!