Registry Research
Networking platform for research with public registry data
In the course of implementing the DSGVO in Austria, the question has arisen, as with data from so-called registers – i. Data collections generated by the state in the context of its sovereign activity. These data (for example, health data of the main association, unemployment insurance data, etc.) form an important part of public administration and political governance. But they were so far hardly structured research accessible. The implementation of the GDPR in the area of ??research was regulated by the Federal Government in the Research Organization Act (FOG), which also forms an important legal framework for evaluations in the area of ??RTI. The BMBWF was and is in the lead here to create good framework conditions for research with public registers.
In the course of setting up and implementing the FOG, a platform has been created for this question (, which on the one hand represents the interests of those researchers and institutions for whom the registry data are relevant; On the other hand, it supports ministries and legislators in finding good solutions for all parties. The main organizers of this platform, which currently sees itself as an informal network, are Harald Oberhofer (WU Vienna, WIFO), Gerhard Schwarz (WIFO), Jesus Crespo (WU Vienna), Thomas König (IHS) and Michael Strassnig (WWTF). At the moment about 130 researchers and stakeholders from 37 institutions in Austria are networked in the platform.

Registry data is of central importance to research – from evaluations, applied research to basic research. The efforts are to make something possible in Austria, which is already established in many European countries (eg France or Scandinavia). Especially in the area of ??evaluations, these data (and their interconnection) play a decisive role. This also applies to RTI evaluations, such as innovation policy, which require data from direct and indirect support as well as corporate metrics in order to make reliable statements about the effectiveness of measures.
The Register Research Platform is committed to bringing numerous registers to the idea of ??structured research opening, to provide research registry data according to the same legal and technical standard, to allow the interconnection of different registers with each other in order to address new research questions and research. open fields and find an acceptable cost structure for all actors involved. In the end, this will ideally result in a National Research Infrastructure in order to make the research location Austria internationally competitive in this aspect – while respecting the special protection these personal (and sensitive) data have.
Further information can be found on the homepage of the Register Research Platform:
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