Lade Veranstaltungen

Challenges in assessing new European Research Area polices, programmes
and instruments


André MARTINUZZI and Markus HAMETNER, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS): The monitoring system – how does the 7th EU Framework Programme contribute to Sustainable Development?

Nathalie HUBER and Antje WEGNER, Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance: How funding of “excellent” young researchers may contribute to the European Research Area – Reflections on empirical results obtained from evaluating the “Starting Grants” program

Susana Elena PEREZ, Elisabetta MARINELLI, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Ana FERNANDES-ZUBIETA, Institute for Advanced Social Studies -Spanish National Research Council (IESA-CSIC): Research-mobility or job-stability? Challenges to the ERA
