The Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) works to secure conditions in which a fair balance of interests in society can be achieved in the areas of communications and mobility, but also concerning the funding of innovation and technology in all fields.
This approach makes a collaborative, innovative development of infrastructures and technologies possible. Optimising the infrastructure for rail, road, water, and air transportion as well as telecommunications, and its technical and operational safety, is a factor which significantly determines the quality of life of every citizen. Innovation and technology pave the way for future developments. Increasingly these services are provided in a pan-European context.
In the field of innovation and technology, the BMVIT
- is predominantly funding firms‘ and universities‘ applied and close-to-market research activities
- promotes and funds non-university research institutions and R&D-infrastructures
- plays a leading role in evaluating RTI-programmes and -institutions