Taking the long term view

18. September 2012, Aula am Campus (AAKH) Vortrag: Erik Arnold 18. September 2012, Aula am Campus (AAKH) Die Plattform Forschungs- und Technologieevaluierung begann im Herbst 2010 in Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung und dem Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds eine Serie von Veranstaltungen, die das österreichische Forschungssystem mit jenen anderer Länder und großer Regionen vergleicht. Die nunmehr fünfte Veranstaltung bezieht sich sowohl auf ein Land, nämlich Schweden, als auch auf eine bestimmte Form von Evaluierungen. Wie alle FTI-Politikakteure sind auch schwedische ‚Policy Maker’ und ihre Evaluierungscommunity mit der Frage konfrontiert, wie tiefer gehende Wirkungen von Programmen erfasst und [...]


The Politics and Policies of Evaluation in a Multi-level Research System, Wilhelm KRULL (Volkswagenstiftung) Downloads: Wilhelm_Krull_First_key_note [PDF, 2.49 MB]


Current changes and challenges in the field of STI policy-making and the effects this might have on STI evaluation theory and practice, Irwin FELLER (Prof. Em., Economics, Pennsylvania State University) Downloads: Irwin_Feller_Second_key_note [PDF, 75.21 KB]  


HORIZON 2020 – the overall evaluation approach: critical reflection and discussion, Impulse presentation by Peter FISCH (European Commission)   Downloads: Fisch_Horizon_2020 [PDF, 714.49 KB]


New approaches for evaluating STI policies and instruments Presentations: Matthias WEBER, AIT and Wolfgang POLT, Joanneum Research: Assessing mission-orientated R&D programs: combining foresight and evaluation Pierre-Benoit JOLY, Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (IFRIS) and INRA/SenS, Ariane GAUNAND, Grenoble Applied Economics Lab (GAEL), Philippe LAREDO, IFRIS, Mireille MATT, GAEL and Stéphane LEMAIRE, IFRIS: Designing and implementing a new approach for the ex-post assessment of impact of research – a return of experience from the ASIRPA project Stephanie DAIMER, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research: Evaluating the novel German “VIP” measure – addressing the stage of translational research between basic research and [...]

SESSION 1 – New approaches for evaluating STI policies and instruments

New approaches for evaluating STI policies and instruments Presentations: Matthias WEBER, AIT and Wolfgang POLT, Joanneum Research: Assessing mission-orientated R&D programs: combining foresight and evaluation Pierre-Benoit JOLY, Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (IFRIS) and INRA/SenS, Ariane GAUNAND, Grenoble Applied Economics Lab (GAEL), Philippe LAREDO, IFRIS, Mireille MATT, GAEL and Stéphane LEMAIRE, IFRIS: Designing and implementing a new approach for the ex-post assessment of impact of research – a return of experience from the ASIRPA project Stephanie DAIMER, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research: Evaluating the novel German “VIP” measure – addressing the stage of translational research between basic research and [...]

SESSION 2a – Assessing the variety and long-term impact of research

Assessing the variety and long-term impact of research Presentations: Erik ARNOLD, Technopolis and University of Twente, and Terttu T. LUUKKONEN, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy: How to evaluate research funding organisations Rodrigo COSTAS and Erik Van WIJK, Centre for Science and Technology, University Leiden: Bibliometric study of FWF Austrian Science Fund (2001-2010/11): main results Ralph REIMANN, Austrian Science Fund: Bibliometric study of FWF Austrian Science Fund (2001-2010/11): from the funder´s perspective Chris L. S. CORYN, Western Michigan University: Central Findings and Lessons Learned from an Evaluation of the Swiss National Science Foundation   Downloads: How to evaluate research funding [...]

SESSION 2b – Assessing the variety and long-term impact of research

Assessing the variety and long-term impact of research Presentations: Federica ROSSI, Birkbeck, University of London, Annalisa Caloffi, University of Padova, Margherita RUSSO, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: Can policy constraints support the development of capabilities for collaborative innovation? Ariane GAUNAND and Mireille MATT, Grenoble Applied Economics Lab (GAEL), Stéphane LEMARIE and Amandine HOCDE, Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (IFRIS), Elisabeth De TRUCKHEIM, INRA: How does public agricultural research impact society? Towards a characterization of various patterns Claudia MICHEL, University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment CDE, Simon HEARN, Overseas Development Institute ODI, Gabriela WUELSER, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [...]

SESSION 3 – STI policy evaluation in new- and non-OECD Countries

STI policy evaluation in new- and non-OECD Countries Presentations: Domagoj RACIC, Knowledge Network, Zagreb, Croatia / University of Ljubljana: Innovation policy in Croatia, Slovenia and Finland: Common framework and/or multiple ‘best practices’? Erkki KARO, Ly LOOGA, Priit LUMI, Piret TONURIST and Kaija VALDMAA, Tallinn University of Technology, Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance: Challenges to science policy and its evaluation in small and catching-up countries: experiences from the Estonian science system Yuri SIMACHEV, Mikhail KUZYK and Vera FEYGINA, Interdepartmental Analytical Center: Evaluation of State Policy for Industrial Innovation Support in Russia: Instruments, Beneficiaries, and Limitations Olha KRASOVSKA, State Fund for [...]

SESSION 4a – Challenges in assessing new European Research Area polices, programmes and instruments

Challenges in assessing new European Research Area polices, programmes and instruments Presentations: Emanuela REALE, CERIS CNR Institute for research on firm and growth, Maria NEDEVA and Thomas DUNCAN, University of Manchester/ Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Emilia PRIMERI, CERIS CNR: Assessing the impact of joint and open research programmes: a process-centred approach Martin-Felix GAJDUSEK, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation and Nikos SIDIROPOULOS, University of Athens, Centre of Financial Studies: Monitoring and Evaluation in joint calls of “horizontal – INCO” ERA-NET and ERA-NET PLUS actions Martin MAREK and Erich PREM, eutema Technology Management GmbH & Co KG: Visualizing programme participations with [...]

SESSION 4b – Challenges in assessing new European Research Area polices, programmes and instruments

Challenges in assessing new European Research Area polices, programmes and instruments Presentations: André MARTINUZZI and Markus HAMETNER, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS): The FP7-4-SD.eu monitoring system – how does the 7th EU Framework Programme contribute to Sustainable Development? Nathalie HUBER and Antje WEGNER, Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance: How funding of “excellent” young researchers may contribute to the European Research Area – Reflections on empirical results obtained from evaluating the “Starting Grants” program Susana Elena PEREZ, Elisabetta MARINELLI, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Ana FERNANDES-ZUBIETA, Institute for Advanced [...]

SESSION 5 – Evaluating for selection – challenges and opportunities

Evaluating for selection – challenges and opportunities Presentations: Ina DREJER and Poul-H. ANDERSEN, Aalborg University: Is the tail wagging the dog? An analysis of possible isomorphism effects in innovation project applications Peter BIEGELBAUER and Thomas PALFINGER, AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology: Selecting Innovation: Project Selection Procedures in Research Funding Agencies Susanne BÜHRER, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research: New modes of stakeholder involvement in ex ante impact assessments Downloads: Selecting Innovation: Project Selection Procedures in Research Funding Agencies [PDF, 352.75 KB] New modes of stakeholder involvement in ex ante impact assessments [PDF, 577.71 KB] Is the tail wagging the [...]