For Authors

Publication in the fteval Journal is free of charge for authors. Each published article receives a DOI via crossref and is archived in the fteval repository. Unless otherwise agreed, all contributions are licensed as CC-BY 4.0 international. The authors retain the copyright without restrictions, but in the case of a reprint it must be indicated that the first publication was in the fteval journal.

Researchers and representatives from research and technology policy and administration are invited to send written contributions (“papers”) by e-mail to the editors of the fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation ( The contributions can be submitted either in German or English and – in the case of a positive evaluation – will also be published in the submitted language.

All contributions are subject to an editorial review. The Editorial Board of the fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation consists of:

Chief Editors (from #56):

Information for authors are provided in detail in our information sheet here [PDF].

On the current Call for Papers read more under

All details about the Call for Papers can be found here: