Call for abstracts and posters – Austrian EU Council Presidency Event on ‘Impact of R&I Policy’
The largest conference in Europe dedicated to R&I policy evaluation organised under the Austrian EU Council Presidency on 5-6 November invites submissions of extended abstracts and posters in four focal thematic areas:
1) The nature of impact-oriented R&I policy
2) Design and implementation of impact-oriented R&I policies
3) Leading edge concepts, tools and methods to assess impact of R&I policy
4) Effects of and policy learning from impact evaluation
Please find more information about the themes here.
We strongly encourage academic as well as policy and practice-based submissions. Thus, contributions from policy-makers, R&I councils, R&I funding agencies, policy experts, intermediary organisations and academics are highly appreciated!
Papers and posters from other policy fields which deal with mission-orientation and impact evaluation are explicitly welcomed too!
Submission Deadline: 10 June 2018.
Submission is done via
Further information about the thematic focus of the call, the detailed timetable as well as the expected format is available at the conference website.