The European Evaluation Society (EES) and the Peer-to-Peer Evaluation Career Advisory Sessions in Europe Team (p2p Europe+) offer a new volunteering opportunity for Young and Emerging Evaluators in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).

EES’ Thematic Working Group 5 “yEES!” and p2p Europe+ are looking for volunteers to get involved in a variety of initiatives, including supporting the EES Online Conference in 2021, contributing to our blog and podcast series, and organizing p2p career advice events. These opportunities are open to anyone who is a Young and Emerging Evaluator.

Please find more information on these opportunities in this flyer and on the yEES! webpage.

Interested volunteers can sign up by filling out this form.

For any queries on EES and the p2p+ initiatives, please do not hesitate to contact (EES) or (p2p Europe+).