From fteval Journal to EvalEdge Podcast: how our AI working group is currently presenting its results for discussion

The results of the working group on artificial intelligence in evaluation are being prepared for various channels.
For example, several articles are currently being finalized in issue #55 of the fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation and contributions have been submitted to the REvaluation Conference, where the results will be discussed in the extended community from December 4-6, 2024.
In addition, the two publications in the fteval Journal were also presented to the international community: There is a contribution to this year’s DeGEval annual conference in Potsdam and both the discussion paper on the relationships in the evaluation system changed by AI and our “Considerations and Guidelines” for AI in evaluation were invited for an interview for the EvalEdge podcast of the European Evaluation Society (EES).
The two podcast episodes are available here: We are looking forward to the feedback from our colleagues and the further technical developments and possibilities of artificial intelligence.
Depending on demand, the working group’s activities will continue next year.