The Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)is a private, non-profit organisation established to promote science and research in Vienna. WWTF’s funding tools and methods are designed to strengthen top research in Vienna through funding programmes (regular calls for projects and research group leaders) in selected research areas.

WWTF is committed to highest standards in its procedures:

  • Comprehensive evaluation culture to assure the quality of both WWTF‘s procedures and outcomes covering all levels (projects, calls, instruments and programmes and WWTF as institution).
  • WWTF acts as a costumer of evaluations related to its funding activities.
  • Evaluation services are offered via its subsidiary WWTF GmbH covering many areas of RDTI politics including institutional and programme evaluation.


WWTF – Vienna Science and Technology Fund

Schlickgasse 3/12
A-1090 Wien