
About fteval_admin

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So far fteval_admin has created 160 blog entries.

fteval Journal #50 now in print! Call for Contributions for Journal issue #51


The fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation positions itself at the interface between research and technology policy practice and academic quality, thereby contributing to the exchange between the various stakeholder groups in the RTI evaluation field. Thematic issues alternate with thematically open ones. Including the previous newsletters from which the journal emerged, 53 issues have been published so far. The fteval Journal is published as open access. All papers undergo an editorial review. Detailed information for authors are provided on the following page: https://fteval.at/content/home/journal/authors/ Call for papers The upcoming issue #55 will be thematically open. We welcome both, academic and practice-oriented contributions, dealing with [...]

fteval Journal #50 now in print! Call for Contributions for Journal issue #512022-07-11T12:02:08+02:00

„Re-thinking Evaluation“ | Presentation and discussion of recommendations of a study by the WWTF


The fteval platform cordially invites to join the closing event of a study conducted by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF): “Re-thinking evaluation – structural support measures for building methodological competence for overcoming new challenges in RTI-evaluations”. The study was funded by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Digital and Economic Affairs with the aim to identify, which structural interventions based on the de facto demands of the RTI-evaluation community are necessary to realise an improved competence building for managing emerging challenges in research evaluation. On Tuesday, March 24, 9 - 11.30 am the results of the study will be [...]

„Re-thinking Evaluation“ | Presentation and discussion of recommendations of a study by the WWTF2022-07-11T11:59:57+02:00

Call for Tenders for the external evaluation of the “Programme for Arts-based Research” (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK)


Call for Tenders for the external evaluation of the "Programme for Arts-based Research" (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK) The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) invites tenders for the external evaluation of its "Programme for Arts-based Research" (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK): Call News Tender Document, Terms of Reference The tender has been drawn up in accordance with the (i) FWF Rules on Quality and Transparency Evaluations, Studies and Research Policy-related Services and (ii) with the Evaluation Standards developed by the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval). These standards are to be observed by [...]

Call for Tenders for the external evaluation of the “Programme for Arts-based Research” (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK)2022-07-11T11:58:08+02:00

fteval inside-insight: “Neues wagen” – Erfahrungen der FFG mit dem Sandpit-Format


"Neues wagen" gilt für unsere Kunden – und ebenso für uns, damit stellte die FFG gemeinsam mit der Plattform für Forschungs- und Technologiepolitikevaluierung (FTEval) heute Vormittag das innovative Sandpit-Format anhand der Ergebnisse der Ideen Lab 4.0-Ausschreibungen vor. Diskutiert wurde im Mitgliederrahmen damit wir als Plattform, Agentur, Evaluatoren, Ministerien aus Neuem lernen und unser Angebot laufend weiterentwickeln. #ForschungWirkt

fteval inside-insight: “Neues wagen” – Erfahrungen der FFG mit dem Sandpit-Format2022-07-11T11:55:54+02:00

Tipp: “Evaluation: Standards in different fields.


Evaluation standards formulate central claims evaluations that they should follow in practice. So define the "standards for evaluation" of society for evaluation (DeGEval) utility, feasibility, fairness and accuracy as overarching features of good evaluation. The present anthology adopts the 2016 adopted first revision of the DeGEval standards as an occasion claim and reality of evaluation standards as well as their status of implementation and future in selected to discuss areas. On the one hand, the perspective of different policy and action areas on the other hand, the observation takes place from perspective overarching topics such as professionalisation, methods, gender and ethics. [...]

Tipp: “Evaluation: Standards in different fields.2022-07-11T11:54:37+02:00

FTI-Strategie Online-questionnaire


Im Rahmen der Erarbeitung der neuen FTI-Strategie Österreichs wird eine Online-Befragung durchgeführt. Unter folgendem Link https://www.edemokratie.at haben Sie bis 31.10.2019 die Möglichkeit, Ihre Expertise zu den Themenbereichen Humanressourcen, Grundlagenforschung, Forschungsinfrastrukturen, EU-Missionen und EU-Partnerschaften, Internationalisierung sowie Angewandte Forschung und Impact auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft einzubringen. Wir freuen uns sehr, wenn Sie sich einige Minuten Zeit für die Beantwortung nehmen. Zur Aussendung gelangen Sie hier.

FTI-Strategie Online-questionnaire2022-07-11T11:52:44+02:00

“What can one learn from evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy?”


The Federal Government's RTI strategy officially expires in 2020. A new strategy is currently in preparation. FULLY BOOKED!   Background: The Federal Government's RTI strategy officially expires in 2020. A new strategy is currently in preparation. At the same time, during the last 10 years, dozens of evaluations of parts of the RTI system in Austria have taken place. The FTEVAL takes this as an opportunity to question critically what can actually be learned from the multiple evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy. To this end, in a first step, three impulse panels will mark the frame. These referenced key findings [...]

“What can one learn from evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy?”2022-07-11T11:50:55+02:00

“New Challenges for Responsible and (partly) Automated Research Assessment”


Researchers, research results, as well as research projects and institutions are continuously subjected to systematic evaluations. Based on peer review, but also on data such as publication frequency and citations, indicators derived from it such as h-index, journal indicators and others, committees are constantly making decisions that have a formative character for the entire research practice, from attitudes and vocations to for third-party funding. The use and development of these rating systems has never been more challenging than it is today. On the one hand, because the immediate output of research is becoming ever more diverse - in addition to specialist [...]

“New Challenges for Responsible and (partly) Automated Research Assessment”2022-07-11T11:44:42+02:00
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