
Following the paths of the best – the evaluatin of the German Initiative of Excellence


After the last  chair was taken in the audience hall of BMWFW, the event started - after an introduction by the head of the ministry Barbara Weitgruber - with a keynote of the chairman of the evaluation commission Dieter Imboden. He reported on the organization, focus of the evaluation and the main "construction sites" of the German Initiative of Excellence. Particular importance was put on the unplanned or unwanted effects of this massive funding program. Then, discussant Sybille Reichert - active in the Austrian Science Council and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - brought the internal perspective of a German university's principal [...]

Following the paths of the best – the evaluatin of the German Initiative of Excellence2022-07-11T10:06:49+02:00

Follow fteval @Twitter


In the 20th year of the platform’ s existence, we felt that we should reach out to the community not just via our website and e-mail but also via social media. By establishing the fteval Twitter we respond to a wish often expressed by member organisations in the course of the interviews Katharina Warta and Stefan Philipp conducted for investigating the impact of fteval on the Austrian RTI policy evaluation system (see fteval Journal issue No. 41). We will tweet and retweet news about events, publications and other important developments from the world of research, technology and innovation policy and evaluation [...]

Follow fteval @Twitter2022-07-11T10:05:32+02:00

fteval study – What are the benefits of the Platform fteval and what did it achieve?


In 2016, the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation will celebrate its 20st  birthday. We took that as an occasion to scrutinise the Platforms usefulness for its members and the impact it has created. This internal assessment consits, firstly, of a compilation of services provided by the Platform since its beginnings in 1996. Secondly, Katharina Warta and Stefan Philipp conducted group interviews with most of the member organisations in October and November 2015, to collect their views on fteval's activities, and past and present challenges for RTI-evaluation. The study comes up with key findings along five dimensions: (i) fteval [...]

fteval study – What are the benefits of the Platform fteval and what did it achieve?2022-07-11T10:05:53+02:00
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