
fteval Working Group on Indicators for Sustainability


Under the leadership of Jakob Kofler and Harald Wieser at the Austrian Institute for SME Research, a working group was working group was commissioned to think about the measurement of sustainability indicators in the sustainability indicators in the RTI sector from an evaluation perspective. Two subgroups were set up: Measurement and indicators for sustainable transformation Understanding and evaluating transformation processes The group is made up of representatives from ministries, agencies and evaluation institutions and meets monthly to collect input and material from both perspectives. An additional workshop was held on 20 November. The results of the working group are expected at [...]

fteval Working Group on Indicators for Sustainability2023-07-11T08:43:09+02:00

New podcast episode about the Austria Microdata Center (AMDC)


Why could the Austria Microdata Center (AMDC) change the workplace arrangement at research institutions? What new possibilities are there for linking data and what do you have to bear in mind? And will the AMDC soon be replaced by an AI? […]

New podcast episode about the Austria Microdata Center (AMDC)2023-04-24T08:42:47+02:00

Event: Implementation of evaluation standards by the clients


Joint Event of SEVAL and the Evaluation Network in the Federal Administration on 30 November 2022 about the implementation of evaluation standards by the clients. Programme and registration: https://www.seval.ch/2022/11/08/umsetzung-der-evaluationsstandards-durch-die-auftraggeber/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=seval-flash-aktuelle-news-actualites_80    

Event: Implementation of evaluation standards by the clients2022-11-23T09:16:45+01:00
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