
Evaluation Talent Award 2021


Together with the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development, the fteval Platform is committed to the further development of the evaluation landscape in Austria. This year, for the first time, we are presenting the Evaluation Talent Award as a contribution to make the importance of evaluations for evidence-based policy-making more visible to the public. The award is intended to give young evaluation talents the opportunity to position themselves in the relevant community. A prize of € 2.000 is awarded, dedicated to further training measures. The awarding ceremony will take place as a part of the REvaluation Conference 2021 in November. All Informationen can be found [...]

Evaluation Talent Award 20212022-07-11T12:27:41+02:00

EES calls for new association management


After over a decade of working with our current provider, the European Evaluation Society (EES) is looking for a new Secretariat / Association Management to support its growing presence in the international evaluation community. Please, find some details in the Request for Proposals (RFP) on the EES website: https://europeanevaluation.org/events/ees-secretariat-association-management/ The deadline to apply is 30 June 2021.

EES calls for new association management2022-07-11T12:26:00+02:00

EES Call for Young and Emerging Evaluator Volunteers


The European Evaluation Society (EES) and the Peer-to-Peer Evaluation Career Advisory Sessions in Europe Team (p2p Europe+) offer a new volunteering opportunity for Young and Emerging Evaluators in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). EES’ Thematic Working Group 5 “yEES!” and p2p Europe+ are looking for volunteers to get involved in a variety of initiatives, including supporting the EES Online Conference in 2021, contributing to our blog and podcast series, and organizing p2p career advice events. These opportunities are open to anyone who is a Young and Emerging Evaluator. Please find more information on these opportunities in this flyer and on the yEES! webpage. Interested volunteers can sign up [...]

EES Call for Young and Emerging Evaluator Volunteers2022-07-11T12:23:10+02:00

Issue #54 is open for submission!


While citizen science is by definition highly participatory, its evaluation and impact assessment practices often do not live up to this claim. In this special issue we will explore existing approaches to participatory evaluation that involve participants of citizen science activities in reflecting and assessing projects’ or initiatives’ processes and outcomes. This involvement may range from co-designing the evaluation strategy to creating evaluation or monitoring instruments to be used during and after the project, to name but a few.   The special issue aims to collect and discuss a wide range of methods of participatory evaluation, informed by the experiences gathered [...]

Issue #54 is open for submission!2022-07-11T12:21:52+02:00

Results of the Working Group for Impact Assessment


In summer 2020 the fteval community launched an internal working group for capturing the state of the art of impact assessment of R&I policy and transfer it to the Austrian context. Three sub-groups analysed specific aspects of the impact on social innovations, on science-society relations and on a so-called "green economy". These groups were steered by Joanneum Research, the OIS Center at Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft and the Austrian Institute for SME Research. The results in web-post format can be viewed here: Impact of RTI policy on social innovations [in English] Impact of RTI policy on the relation between science and society [in English] [...]

Results of the Working Group for Impact Assessment2022-07-11T12:20:04+02:00

Conference Website launched!


From 18-19 November 2021 the REvaluation Conference - Europe's largest RTI Policy Evaluation Conference will take place in Vienna. It is jointly organised by the fteval platform together with Fraunhofer ISI and IFRIS - Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société, Paris exploring the role of science and technology policy’s in societal transformation, resilience and anticipation. For detailed information, please visit https://www.revaluation2021.eu/ !

Conference Website launched!2022-07-11T12:15:08+02:00



How is committment generated during internal evaluations? This symposium discussed benefits and obstacles in internal evaluations.   Invitation and Programme [PDF, German] Presentation slides [in German] Meike Olbrecht, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Thomas König, Institut für Höhere Studien Patrick Lehner, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Discussants' results and discussion [in German] Michael Hofer, Universität Wien Hintergrundfolien und Ergebnisse der Diskussion   The event's language was German. Venue: Online. For further details we kindly ask for a registration. Time: 30.11.2020 14:00

FTEVAL SYMPOSIUM “COMMITTMENT IN INTERNAL EVALUATIONS” in virtual space2022-07-11T12:13:39+02:00
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