
Conference Website launched!


From 18-19 November 2021 the REvaluation Conference - Europe's largest RTI Policy Evaluation Conference will take place in Vienna. It is jointly organised by the fteval platform together with Fraunhofer ISI and IFRIS - Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société, Paris exploring the role of science and technology policy’s in societal transformation, resilience and anticipation. For detailed information, please visit https://www.revaluation2021.eu/ !

Conference Website launched!2022-07-11T12:15:08+02:00



How is committment generated during internal evaluations? This symposium discussed benefits and obstacles in internal evaluations.   Invitation and Programme [PDF, German] Presentation slides [in German] Meike Olbrecht, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Thomas König, Institut für Höhere Studien Patrick Lehner, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Discussants' results and discussion [in German] Michael Hofer, Universität Wien Hintergrundfolien und Ergebnisse der Diskussion   The event's language was German. Venue: Online. For further details we kindly ask for a registration. Time: 30.11.2020 14:00

FTEVAL SYMPOSIUM “COMMITTMENT IN INTERNAL EVALUATIONS” in virtual space2022-07-11T12:13:39+02:00

Working Group for Impact Assessment


The fteval community launched an internal working group for capturing the state of the art of impact assessment of R&I policy and transfer it to the Austrian context. Three sub-groups analyse specific aspects of the impact on social innovations, on science-society relations and on "green economy". These groups are steered by Joanneum Research, the OIS Center at Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft and the Austrian Institute for SME Research. First results are expected for the end-2020.

Working Group for Impact Assessment2022-07-11T12:11:41+02:00

Conference 2021


From 18-19 November 2021 the REvaluation Conference - Europe's largest RTI Policy Evaluation Conference will take place in Vienna. It is jointly organised by the fteval platform together with Fraunhofer ISI and IFRIS - Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société, Paris exploring the role of science and technology policy’s in societal transformation, resilience and anticipation. For detailed information, please visit https://www.revaluation2021.eu/ !

Conference 20212022-07-11T12:09:11+02:00

fteval proudly presents… itself!


We produced a 4-minutes introduction to the fteval Platform to explain how our acitivities contribute to raise and develop quality standards of research and technology policy evaluation to strategically improve Austrian reseach and technology policy instruments:   We would like to thank all contributors and the presenters: Dr. Rupert Pichler, Republic of Austria - Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Department for Research and Technology Funding, Head of Department Mag. Simone Mesner, Republic of Austria - Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research, Department for Research, Technology, Innovation: Strategy and Knowledge Transfer, Head of Department Dr. [...]

fteval proudly presents… itself!2022-07-11T12:07:12+02:00

Vienna Business Agency launches tender for an accompanying evaluation of the ViennaUP’21 programme.


The Vienna Business Agency launches a tender for an accompanying evaluation of the ViennaUP’21 start-up programme. Please find details here: https://gv.vergabeportal.at/Detail/87952. Submission deadline: Monday, 7 September 2020 at 12.00. Contact: Alfried Braumann, Braumann@wirtschaftsagentur.at

Vienna Business Agency launches tender for an accompanying evaluation of the ViennaUP’21 programme.2022-07-11T12:04:03+02:00

fteval Journal #50 now in print! Call for Contributions for Journal issue #51


The fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation positions itself at the interface between research and technology policy practice and academic quality, thereby contributing to the exchange between the various stakeholder groups in the RTI evaluation field. Thematic issues alternate with thematically open ones. Including the previous newsletters from which the journal emerged, 53 issues have been published so far. The fteval Journal is published as open access. All papers undergo an editorial review. Detailed information for authors are provided on the following page: https://fteval.at/content/home/journal/authors/ Call for papers The upcoming issue #55 will be thematically open. We welcome both, academic and practice-oriented contributions, dealing with [...]

fteval Journal #50 now in print! Call for Contributions for Journal issue #512022-07-11T12:02:08+02:00

„Re-thinking Evaluation“ | Presentation and discussion of recommendations of a study by the WWTF


The fteval platform cordially invites to join the closing event of a study conducted by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF): “Re-thinking evaluation – structural support measures for building methodological competence for overcoming new challenges in RTI-evaluations”. The study was funded by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Digital and Economic Affairs with the aim to identify, which structural interventions based on the de facto demands of the RTI-evaluation community are necessary to realise an improved competence building for managing emerging challenges in research evaluation. On Tuesday, March 24, 9 - 11.30 am the results of the study will be [...]

„Re-thinking Evaluation“ | Presentation and discussion of recommendations of a study by the WWTF2022-07-11T11:59:57+02:00

Call for Tenders for the external evaluation of the “Programme for Arts-based Research” (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK)


Call for Tenders for the external evaluation of the "Programme for Arts-based Research" (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK) The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) invites tenders for the external evaluation of its "Programme for Arts-based Research" (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK): Call News Tender Document, Terms of Reference The tender has been drawn up in accordance with the (i) FWF Rules on Quality and Transparency Evaluations, Studies and Research Policy-related Services and (ii) with the Evaluation Standards developed by the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval). These standards are to be observed by [...]

Call for Tenders for the external evaluation of the “Programme for Arts-based Research” (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, PEEK)2022-07-11T11:58:08+02:00

fteval inside-insight: “Neues wagen” – Erfahrungen der FFG mit dem Sandpit-Format


"Neues wagen" gilt für unsere Kunden – und ebenso für uns, damit stellte die FFG gemeinsam mit der Plattform für Forschungs- und Technologiepolitikevaluierung (FTEval) heute Vormittag das innovative Sandpit-Format anhand der Ergebnisse der Ideen Lab 4.0-Ausschreibungen vor. Diskutiert wurde im Mitgliederrahmen damit wir als Plattform, Agentur, Evaluatoren, Ministerien aus Neuem lernen und unser Angebot laufend weiterentwickeln. #ForschungWirkt

fteval inside-insight: “Neues wagen” – Erfahrungen der FFG mit dem Sandpit-Format2022-07-11T11:55:54+02:00
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