The fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation

The fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation aims to position itself at the interface between research and technology policy practice and academic quality, thereby contributing to the exchange between the various stakeholder groups in the field of RTI evaluation. Thematic issues alternate with thematically open ones. Including the previous newsletters from which the journal emerged, 53 issues have been published so far. The fteval Journal is published as open access. Each article is subject to an editorial review. Information for authors can be found on the following page:

Calls for Papers

Issue #57 is reserved the Proceedings of the REvaluation Conference 2024 and will be published mid-2025. Full manuscripts should be submitted by 15. Jänner 2025.

Previous issues

All previous issues of the fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation can be accessed here: Previous issues

Current issues

Issue#55 is thematically open for both, academic and practice-oriented contributions, dealing with the evaluation of RTI policies. These may be specific results of evaluation studies as well as methodological, organisational or theoretical contributions. 

Number 56 (2024) is a special issue to mark the 30th anniversary of universities of applied sciences in Austria and focuses on their research activities. In addition to the published articles, which are also listed in the repository, the special issue contains a magazine section with an infographic on the research performance of Austrian universities of applied sciences, a review of the 17th Research Forum of the University of Applied Sciences Conference and an interview with Udo Brändle, Managing Director of IMC Krems.

Table of Contents

  1. 5 Fragen – 5 Antworten: 30 Jahre Fachhochschulen in Österreich
    Koleznik, Kurt, Esca-Scheuringer, Heidi
    Pages: e1, 1-23
  2. Competition of Narratives: Deciphering the Debates on Research at Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria
    Sterrer, Stefanie
    Pages: e2, 1-23
  3. Auf welchen Beinen stehen die Fachhochschulen in der Zukunft? - mit Fokus auf die Rolle der Forschung
    Sauer-Malin, Angelika, Wagner-Schuster, Daniel, Ploder, Michael
    Pages: e3, 1-22
  4. Research organisation and research strategies at Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in the tension triangle between politics, researchers, and internal decision makers: a case study example of the IMC Krems in Austria
    Berger-Grabner, Doris, Handhofer, Doris, Ihden, Tanja, Kuhnle-Schadn, Alexandra
    Pages: e4, 1-15
  5. Forschungsorganisation und Forschungsstrategie an österreichischen Hochschulen am Beispiel der FH Technikum Wien
    Strähle, Michael, Krenn-Ahorner, Elke
    Pages: e5, 1-15
  6. Die strategische Neuausrichtung der Forschung an der FH Salzburg im Rahmen eines gesamthochschulischen Organisationsentwicklungsprozesses
    Engel, Dominik, Huber, Stefan, Leeb, Markus, Leitner, Michael Christian, Rieß-Just, Cornelia, Oostingh, Gertie Janneke, Warta, Katharina
    Pages: e6, 1-15
  7. Der Transfer von anwendungsorientierter Forschung in die forschungsgeleitete Lehre an Fachhochschulen: am Beispiel des FILIA-Preises der FH Joanneum
    Schmikl-Reiter, Clara, Werner, Matthias, Wiedenhofer-Bornemann, Roswitha
  8. Auswahl und Evaluation der Josef-Ressel Zentren und Kontextualisierung in der Forschungslandschaft
    Fredersdorf, Frederic, Gerzabek, Martin, Hanley, Angelika, Müller, Brigitte
    Pages: e8, 1-18
  9. Die Bedeutung der Josef Ressel Zentren für die angewandte Forschung an der Fachhochschule Oberösterreich
    Röhrl, Clemens
    Pages: e9, 1-18




Event Review
