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So far fteval_admin has created 160 blog entries.

Experts and policy makers discuss R&I impact and evaluation in Vienna


"The mission of the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation is to promote the quality, transparency and adequate coverage of evaluations to achieve a better strategic planning of research, technology and innovation (RTI) policy in Austria - Therefore, together with the Austrian RTI policy stakeholders, the existing evaluation culture is constantly further developed."

Experts and policy makers discuss R&I impact and evaluation in Vienna2022-07-11T11:19:00+02:00

fteval’s proud to present it’s new Mission Statement


"The mission of the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation is to promote the quality, transparency and adequate coverage of evaluations to achieve a better strategic planning of research, technology and innovation (RTI) policy in Austria - Therefore, together with the Austrian RTI policy stakeholders, the existing evaluation culture is constantly further developed."

fteval’s proud to present it’s new Mission Statement2022-07-11T11:17:16+02:00

Social impact as a political mission: What must research be measured against today?


The event will be held in German language! Am: Dienstag, 6. November 2018 Um: 18.30 Uhr Im: Reitersaal der OeKB, Strauchgasse 3, 1010 Wien Woran müssen sich Forschung und Innovation heute messen? Die europäischen Forschungsrahmenprogramme geben darauf eine klare Antwort: Es geht um ihre gesellschaftliche Relevanz. Forschung und Innovation werden zunehmend darauf verpflichtet, ihre Wirkmacht nachzuweisen, unsere Gesellschaften auf einen Pfad nachhaltiger und sozial inklusiver Entwicklung zu führen. „Social Impact“ lautet das Codewort, „Missionen“ sollen Forschung auf die Erfüllung gesellschaftlicher Ziele ausrichten. Eine neue „Impact Agenda“ wird in der Forschungscommunity konstatiert. Was dies für Design und Umsetzung von Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik bedeutet, ist Anfang [...]

Social impact as a political mission: What must research be measured against today?2022-07-11T11:15:36+02:00

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) invites tenders for the external evaluation of the funding programme “Special Research Programmes” (Spezialforschungsbereiche, SFB):


The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) invites tenders for the external evaluation of the funding programme  "Special Research Programmes" (Spezialforschungsbereiche, SFB): https://www.fwf.ac.at/fileadmin/files/Dokumente/Downloads/2018-07-18_TORs_SFB-Evaluation.pdf The tender has been drawn up in accordance with the FWF Rules on Quality and Transparency Evaluations, Studies and Research Policy-related Services and with the Evaluation Standards developed by the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval). These standards are to be observed by companies submitting tenders. The deadline for tenders is October 1, 2018. Contact: Falk Reckling

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) invites tenders for the external evaluation of the funding programme “Special Research Programmes” (Spezialforschungsbereiche, SFB):2022-07-11T11:11:54+02:00

Impact of R&I Policy at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation, Evaluation: tentative detailed conference programme now available!


Impact of R&I Policy at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation, Evaluation: tentative detailed conference programme now available!2022-07-11T11:09:43+02:00

The registration process for the R&I Impact Conference will be open as of 22 June 2018!


Impact of R&I Policy at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation, Evaluation The registration process for the R&I Impact Conference will be open as of 22 June 2018! Please register here. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Due to the overall invitation policy of the Council Presidency you will receive an official accreditation eMail from ESIAT, the Executive Secretariat of the Austrian Presidency of the EU Council a few weeks before the conference, in order to receive your conference badge on-site. Registration for participation is open until 28th October 2018 – register as soon as possible! The registration includes all lunches and coffee [...]

The registration process for the R&I Impact Conference will be open as of 22 June 2018!2022-07-11T11:08:22+02:00

Call for abstracts and posters – Austrian EU Council Presidency Event on ‘Impact of R&I Policy’ – CALL IS CLOSED!


Call for abstracts and posters - Austrian EU Council Presidency Event on 'Impact of R&I Policy' The largest conference in Europe dedicated to R&I policy evaluation organised under the Austrian EU Council Presidency on 5-6 November invites submissions of extended abstracts and posters in four focal thematic areas:   1) The nature of impact-oriented R&I policy 2) Design and implementation of impact-oriented R&I policies 3) Leading edge concepts, tools and methods to assess impact of R&I policy 4) Effects of and policy learning from impact evaluation Please find more information about the themes here. We strongly encourage academic as well as policy [...]

Call for abstracts and posters – Austrian EU Council Presidency Event on ‘Impact of R&I Policy’ – CALL IS CLOSED!2022-07-11T11:06:13+02:00

Statement of fteval on the Austrian data protection adaptation law 2018 for science and research (WFDSAG 2018)


Cabels connected to PC Only in GERMAN available! Die fteval begrüßt das vom BMBWF eingereichte Datenschutz-Anpassungsgesetz 2018, damit es zu keiner weiteren Verschlechterung für Wissenschaft und Forschung im internationalen Wettbewerb komm um die Durchführungsbedingungen für forschungs- und technologiepolitische Evaluierungen zu erleichtern um eine weitere Bürokratisierungsexplosion zu beschränken um im Sinne von Open Science Datenbestände für die wissenschaftliche Forschung - auch über den ursprünglichen Forschungszweck hinaus –für weitere Forschung zu verwenden. Die fteval würde überdies begrüßen, wenn in Bezug auf die Einrichtung einer zentralen Forschungsdatenbank entsprechende Förderungen aus Landes- bzw. Gemeindemitteln ebenso projektbezogen erfasst werden würden TDM (Text and data [...]

Statement of fteval on the Austrian data protection adaptation law 2018 for science and research (WFDSAG 2018)2022-07-11T11:04:46+02:00

EC published two reports of MLE on Evaluation of Business R&D Grant Schemes


The MLE's Thematic Report "Combining Mixed Approaches to Evaluation" addresses the topic of applying mixed method approaches to the evaluation of public schemes to support R&D and innovation in firms, specifically business R&D grants and associated innovation schemes. It sets out the broad context for the use of mixed-method approaches in the evaluation of innovation support schemes, with a focus on business R&D grants. The report focuses on a number of major issues which were addressed in the third site visit to London and illustrates these with selected examples, and presents a number of the major lessons learned during the site visit [...]

EC published two reports of MLE on Evaluation of Business R&D Grant Schemes2022-07-11T11:02:34+02:00

CALL FOR PAPERS! On September 26, 2018, the Pre-conference on the Evaluation of Equality in Rural Development Programs will take place at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, within the framework of the 28th session of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics.


Equality between men and women has been an objective of the Structural Funds regulations of the European Union (EU) since 1996 and should be implemented alongside the specific promotion of women through the strategy of gender mainstreaming. Implementation is slow, however, both at EU level and in most Member States. We would like to address the following central questions at the pre-conference: Where and how can and should evaluation work on equality of women and men in Rural Development Programs? What potential offers a stronger anchoring of the goal of equality between men and women in the Rural Development Programs? We [...]

CALL FOR PAPERS! On September 26, 2018, the Pre-conference on the Evaluation of Equality in Rural Development Programs will take place at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, within the framework of the 28th session of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics.2022-07-11T11:00:40+02:00
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