
“What can one learn from evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy?”


The Federal Government's RTI strategy officially expires in 2020. A new strategy is currently in preparation. FULLY BOOKED!   Background: The Federal Government's RTI strategy officially expires in 2020. A new strategy is currently in preparation. At the same time, during the last 10 years, dozens of evaluations of parts of the RTI system in Austria have taken place. The FTEVAL takes this as an opportunity to question critically what can actually be learned from the multiple evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy. To this end, in a first step, three impulse panels will mark the frame. These referenced key findings [...]

“What can one learn from evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy?”2022-07-11T11:50:55+02:00

“New Challenges for Responsible and (partly) Automated Research Assessment”


Researchers, research results, as well as research projects and institutions are continuously subjected to systematic evaluations. Based on peer review, but also on data such as publication frequency and citations, indicators derived from it such as h-index, journal indicators and others, committees are constantly making decisions that have a formative character for the entire research practice, from attitudes and vocations to for third-party funding. The use and development of these rating systems has never been more challenging than it is today. On the one hand, because the immediate output of research is becoming ever more diverse - in addition to specialist [...]

“New Challenges for Responsible and (partly) Automated Research Assessment”2022-07-11T11:44:42+02:00

New Evaluation Standards online!


Standards & Platform The Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval) is an association whose members are institutions from the fields of research, technology and innovation (RTI). It includes government ministries, agencies, research funding organisations, research institutes and consulting firms. Membership is open to all those involved in commissioning or carrying out evaluations in the field of RTI. The aim of the association is to further develop the culture and practice of evaluation in Austria in the field of RTI. The fteval platform regards evaluation as central to ongoing improvement and strategic focus in RTI policy. A “good” culture [...]

New Evaluation Standards online!2022-07-11T11:38:25+02:00

Invitation to seminar and workshop „Futures Literacy for next-generation R&I Policy”


Date/Place: Wien, 3. April 2019, 10:00 -17:00, Impact Hub, Lindengasse 56, 1070 Wien The event will be held in German. Information only available in German. Organisiert von AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Joanneum Research und der Österreichischen Plattform für Forschungs- und Technologiepolitikevaluierung in Kooperation mit UNESCO. Was die Zukunft bringt, scheint für viele Menschen mit immer größerer Unsicherheit verbunden zu sein. Wir leben in einer komplexen, sich rasch verändernden Welt. Daraus ergibt sich ein steigender Bedarf an strukturierter Antizipation von möglichen Zukunftspfaden, die unsere gegenwärtigen Praktiken und Institutionen in Frage stellen können. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich besonders im Umfeld der Forschungs- [...]

Invitation to seminar and workshop „Futures Literacy for next-generation R&I Policy”2022-07-11T11:34:18+02:00

“IMPACT” A contribution to the discussion.


Which conditions or precautions should now be taken into account for impact analyzes? The topic folder provides information. The topic folder was compiled by Karin Kohlweg and can be cited as follows: Kohlweg, K. (2019): Themenfolder„Impact“ – ein Diskussionsbeitrag. FTEVAL – Österreichische Plattform für Forschungs- und Technologiepolitikevaluierung. Wien. DOI: 10.22163/fteval.2019.309 Here is the topic folder "IMPACT" Here is the topic folder "METHODEN"

“IMPACT” A contribution to the discussion.2022-07-11T11:29:37+02:00

New networking platform for research with public registry data


In the course of implementing the DSGVO in Austria, the question has arisen, as with data from so-called registers - i. Data collections generated by the state in the context of its sovereign activity. These data (for example, health data of the main association, unemployment insurance data, etc.) form an important part of public administration and political governance. But they were so far hardly structured research accessible. The implementation of the GDPR in the field of research was regulated by the Federal Government in the Research Organization Act (FOG), which also forms an important legal framework for evaluations in the area [...]

New networking platform for research with public registry data2022-07-11T11:28:07+02:00
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