Event on Econometrics in Evaluations


What can econometric methods do - what can they not? Innovation activities, especially research and development, are publicly funded in many ways (tax incentives or directly through R&D grants, guarantees and liabilities). Knowledge of the impact of funding is essential for funding institutions and policy makers. In recent years, the availability of innovation data has increased. At the same time, the spectrum of statistical and econometric methods has expanded, especially methods that measure the causal effect of funding. The aim of the discussion event is therefore to provide an overview of econometric methods for the causal estimation of funding effects in [...]

Evaluating “Impact Innovation”

FFG and fteval Platform invite to an on-line Workshop to reflect aspects of evaluating FFG's "Impact Innovation" programme. Since 2017, the FFG has been funding projects for the development of innovative solutions within the framework of Impact Innovation. Based on an unsolved but defined problem, solution ideas are to be developed together with users, customers or other relevant stakeholders. Impact innovation is intended to support innovations that do not necessarily arise from R&D projects. Among other things, social innovation, business model innovation, process innovations (etc.) are to be promoted through processes such as open innovation, design thinking (etc.), which have so [...]

REvaluation Conference 5-6 May 2022

European Conference on RTI Evaluation Policy on 5-6 May 2022 Previously planned to take place November 2021, the REvaluation Conference - Europe's largest RTI Policy Evaluation Conference will take place in Vienna 5-6 May 2022. It is jointly organised by the fteval platform together with Fraunhofer ISI and IFRIS - Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société, Paris exploring the role of science and technology policy’s in societal transformation, resilience and anticipation.   For detailed information and registration, please visit www.revaluation2021.eu !     Many thanks to all our supporters and sonsors who make the REvaluation Conference possible! (Registrations via the in-built function on the bottom [...]

„Karriereverläufe – Ein Indikator zur Messung von Exzellenz?”

6. Dezember 2010, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Vortrag: Jochen Gläser Vortrag: Grit Laudel Die Plattform Forschungs- und Technologieevaluierung widmete dem Themenkomplex „Ziele, Indikatoren, Kriterien“ eine lose Workshopreihe im Jahr 2010/2011. Im ersten Workshop: „Karriereverläufe – Ein Indikator zur Messung von Exzellenz?“ -  welcher in Kooperation mit dem BMWF durchgeführt wurde, beschäftigten wir uns mit wissenschaftlichen Karrieren von Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschaftern, deren Messung und Bewertung. Welche Qualität und Aussagekraft hat der Indikator ‚Karriereverlauf’ für die Arbeit von Ministerien und Agenturen, aber auch für wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen? – diese Frage wurde im Zuge der Veranstaltung erörtert. Die Veranstaltung sollte einen Beitrag zum Verständnis für [...]

REvaluation Conference 2021

SAVE THE DATE! Largest European Conference on RTI Evaluation Policy on 18-19 November 2021 From 18-19 November 2021 the REvaluation Conference - Europe's largest RTI Policy Evaluation Conference will take place in Vienna. It is jointly organised by the fteval platform together with Fraunhofer ISI and IFRIS - Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société, Paris exploring the role of science and technology policy’s in societal transformation, resilience and anticipation. For detailed information and registration, please visit www.revaluation2021.eu ! (Registrations via the in-built function on this present page are invalid - please visit the conference website https://www.revaluation2021.eu/registration/ to book your tickets!)

Presentation of the Vienna Research Groups’ evaluation

WWTF Schlickgasse 3, Wien, Österreich

Experiences from the self-evaluation exercise presented to the fteval community. The goal of the Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators (VRG) is to bring young excellent researchers from abroad to Vienna to start their first "genuine" group here. The VRG leaders receive substantial funding from WWTF (up to 1.6 mio € per group) for 6-8 years as well as a clear-cut career plan with a long-term perspective from the Vienna host institutions. The application is in tandem, i.e. the VRG leader applies together with the Vienna research institution. The topics of the progamme change every year. The Vienna Research Groups for [...]

What’s in the AMDC for RTI evaluation?

As the representative of Statistics Austria Tobias Göllner presented the AMDC to the fteval Community on Wednesday, September 7 at 3pm at OeFSE. Afterwards, the interfaces to evaluation were discussed. Presentation slides (in German) This event was co-organised by ACR and fteval.

Presentation of the Research on Research Institute to the evaluation community


The Research on Research Institute (RoRI) uses a rich blend of old and new disciplinary and methodological approaches to test, evaluate and experiment with different aspects of research systems, cultures and decision-making It brings together people and organisations that care about research, gathering information and developing tools to inform and improve how research is funded, practised, communicated and evaluated. In this on-line presentation the work and key findings of the Research on Research Institute (RoRI) were presented by Sarah de Rijcke, Director of CWTS at Leiden University and Co- chair of RoRI. Presentation language is English. Präsentation slides for download [PDF] [...]

Annual Conference of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association


The annual conference of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association ‘Evaluations in challenging time: from humanitarian aid to the state policy’ will be held in online format on 23-24 May 2023. This year's annual conference of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association will focus on two dimensions of M&E policy – evaluation of state policy and humanitarian evaluations. UEA would like to bring the attention of Ukrainian policymakers to the importance of embedding evaluations into the policy cycle as well as to share experience in conducting real-time humanitarian evaluations with the international evaluation community. Registration is available via link https://forms.gle/gx5Zej691tAwtxZX7 For more information, please follow https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-ukrainian-evaluation-association [...]

Re-valuing European Research Infrastructures – Knowledge, Innovation, and the Public Good

Sky Lounge Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien, Wien, Österreich

International Workshop "Re-valuing European Research Infrastructures – Knowledge, Innovation, and the Public Good" University of Vienna, May 25-26, 2023. All info: https://sts.univie.ac.at/einzelansicht-news-und-events/news/re-valuing-european-research-infrastructures/

26th Event of the Vienna Evaluation Network | Transformational Imperative


This Event will be held in English. Evaluation and the Transformational Imperative – This moment for transformation is a response to our dire global emergency to go beyond incremental change for radical innovation and global systems change at multiple levels in society if it is to survive. How can evaluation, a profession in the business of assessment and advising, meet the moment and inform and participate in the transformation? This webinar will explore the potential role evaluation can play in transforming society. It will examine the concept of transformation, and both barriers and enabling practices for evaluation to meet the transformational [...]