What are the effects of tax-based research funding? What do we know and what do we do not know?

Based on a recent large-scale OECD study of tax-based research funding and the evaluation of the Austrian “Forschungsprämie”, fteval organises an international event on the effects of tax-based research funding In recent years, tax-based research funding has become increasingly important internationally and nationally. At the same time, the effects on R&D investment of firms and innovation output are not clarified, as studies come to partly contrary results. Based on a recent large-scale OECD study of tax-based research funding and the evaluation of the Austrian “Forschungsprämie”, fteval organises an international event on the effects of tax-based research funding: How do international models [...]

fteval-Trainings 2017: Evaluation training: How to increase the quality of evaluation tenders?

The Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval), organises a full day training event about quality of evaluation tenders (‚Terms of Reference – ToR‘) in the field of Research, Technology and Innovation Policy. (Training will be conducted in German) Zielgruppe Das Training richtet sich an Personen, die mit der Beauftragung von Evaluierungen im Bereich von Forschungs- Technologie- und Innovationspolitiken betraut sind. Insbesondere angesprochen sind Leiter/innen und Mitarbeiter/innen von Evaluierungsabteilungen in Agenturen, Ministerien und anderen Verwaltungsbehörden oder Organisationen der öffentlichen Hand Programmverantwortliche, die Evaluierungen in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich als Auftraggeber/innen betreuen oder betreuen werden Mitarbeiter/innen der genannten Stellen, die mit der [...]


Programme: Welcome Note: Barbara Weitgruber (Head of Section Scientific Research and International Affairs, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research) Keynote: Jan Fagerberg (Center for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK), University of Oslo) Panel discussion: Jan Fagerberg (TIK), Gernot Hutschenreiter (OECD), Ellen Zechner (FWF) und Katharina Warta (Technopolis Austria, fteval)   Moderation: Michael Stampfer (WWTF) Get together (from approx. 4:00 pm)   This presentation analyses the co-evolution of science, technology and innovation policy and industrial structure in a small, open, resource-based economy (Norway). An evolutionary and historically oriented approach to the study of the development of such policies that may have wide applicability [...]


5-6 NOVEMBER, 2018, Austrian EU Council Presidency Conference Austrian EU Council Presidency Conference on Impact of R&I Policy at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation and Evaluation Research and Innovation (R&I) policy is more than ever charged with demonstrating societal impact. If the new impact agenda of R&I policy is taken seriously, than this has several implications for policy design, implementation and evaluation. This largest European R&I policy evaluation conference is devoted to the challenge of generating, understanding and assessing societal impact through R&I policy. It discusses new rationales and new demands for R&I policy in service of society, reflects challenges [...]


Organized by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Joanneum Research and the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation in cooperation with UNESCO. What the future holds seems to be associated with ever greater uncertainty for many people. We live in a complex, rapidly changing world. As a result, there is an increasing need for structured anticipation of possible future paths that may challenge our current practices and institutions. This phenomenon can be observed especially in the field of research and innovation policy. It is increasingly challenged to initiate future developments of benefit to society, embracing innovations that include technological developments [...]

ONLY FOR FTEVAL MEMBERS – “The Evaluation Market in the RTI Area in Austria”

Results of the market study commissioned by the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation Evaluations take place at different levels, from programs to institutions or organizations. Austria is among the European leaders in terms of the number of evaluations in the area of RTI. External studies underline the high professionalism of Austrian FTI evaluations. Evaluation designs and applied method sets are essentially considered appropriate, and recommendations for further development are considered relevant. However, in recent years there has also been some criticism of the Austrian evaluation market, which, according to evaluators of evaluations, focuses on (i) a few evaluation providers, is [...]

„Neue Herausforderungen an verantwortungsvolle und (teil)automatisierte Forschungsbewertung“

by Lambert Heller Researchers, research results, as well as research projects and institutions are continuously subjected to systematic evaluations. Based on peer review, but also on data such as publication frequency and citations, indicators derived from it such as h-index, journal indicators and others, committees are constantly making decisions that have a formative character for the entire research practice, from attitudes and vocations to for third-party funding. The use and development of these rating systems has never been more challenging than it is today. On the one hand, because the immediate output of research is becoming ever more diverse - in [...]

What can one learn from evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy?”

The Federal Government's RTI strategy officially expires in 2020. A new strategy is currently in preparation. FULLY BOOKED! Background:The Federal Government's RTI strategy officially expires in 2020. A new strategy is currently in preparation. At the same time, during the last 10 years, dozens of evaluations of parts of the RTI system in Austria have taken place. The FTEVAL takes this as an opportunity to question critically what can actually be learned from the multiple evaluations for the (new) RTI strategy. To this end, in a first step, three impulse panels will mark the frame. These referenced key findings from the [...]

Gender Equality Policies Revisited

Monitoring of the implementation of the ERA Roadmap's Priority 4 Martin Schmid (BMBWF) presents recent developments regarding the European Research Area (ERA). Angela Wroblewski (IHS) explains the methodological approach and central results of the analysis of the implementation of ERA priority 4 (gender equality). Roberta Schaller-Steidl (BMBWF) provides an input, how the methodology can be used for Austria's higher education policy. This analysis developed criteria of best practices that can be used for the further development of equality policies. A concrete example is presented for illustration. No registration required. 19.10.2020 14:00 Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. [...]

fteval Symposium “Committment in internal Evaluations”

How is committment generated during internal evaluations? This symposium discussed benefits and obstacles in internal evaluations.   Invitation and Programme [PDF, German] Presentation slides [in German] Meike Olbrecht, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Thomas König, Institut für Höhere Studien Patrick Lehner, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Discussants' results and discussion [in German] Michael Hofer, Universität Wien Hintergrundfolien und Ergebnisse der Diskussion   The event's language was German. Venue: Online. For further details we kindly ask for a registration. Time: 30.11.2020 14:00